Honored to again receive Best Painting & Drawing Teachers in Milwaukee 2017 & 2018 


Artist Statement: 


The creation of an art object or idea is a demonstration of truth. It can be fraught with growing pains as well as pleasure. 

My aim to perform honestly and artfully, whether it`s creating a work of art or helping someone to connect with their "truth" in the art experience.

Grandma Moses said, "If I hadn`t taken up painting, I would have raised chickens...its all art."



Following are some comments from my students:

"thank you for helping me see colors and spaces better. Drawing is less of a challenge and definitely more fun!"

"Here is a note of thanks, I can`t wait to take another class with you."

"Perspective was a big challenge for me, really appreciate your help!"

"Now when I see art I don`t understand or like, I have more respect for the process and can "read" it better."


Artist / Studio Art Classes

Teacher Extraordinare

No classes until further notice